Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The National & Takka Takka - August 18, 2007

River to River - South Street Seaport [7 pm] ~Free

I got to the Seaport late and caught about seven minutes of a song from The National. It was a great seven minutes, but it was their last song! It was all over before 9:30 pm. Apparently, one blogger believes that the rain caused the event organizers to shorten the opening bands' time allotment to get The National on by 8 pm and avoid any later rain. Whatever the case, I didn't make it to see more than a few minutes of The National's set. Doug and Eric, you'll have to tell us how it was!

Here's the set list from Scoboco's blog:

1. Start a War
2. Mistaken For Strangers
3. Secret Meeting
4. Brainy
5. Baby We'll Be Fine
6. Slow Show
7. Abel
8. Squalor Victoria
9. Racing Like a Pro
10. Apartment Story
11. Daughters of the Soho Riots
12. Fake Empire
13. Mr. November
14. Murder Me Rachel
15. About Today

Download the live recording of this show from

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok then , you get the mini-review for this one, a bit belated. being that i only knew the songs slightly, and the ones from the new album only, i can say they were a little heavier than i was expecting. the night was nice, it didn't rain and it was crowded. i really don't appreciate this venue so much either. but they played solidly and really got into a few of them, and the closed out with a great one i wasn't familiar with. anyway, steve kept me up way too late afterwards, so anything i would have written for this one was forgetten in delirium later on. so the crappy review is all steve's fault.

What was your favorite live music of 2007!?

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