Thursday, March 1, 2007

Sigur Ros - October 6, 2007

Florence Gould Hall, French Institute Alliance [7:30 pm] ~$35

Check out the acoustic tracks recorded by (thanks, dg). Read dg's review!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well first we were greeted by our host, and after a few very cringe-worthy moments and comments, he introduced the band who came out and played another three song acoustic set of ágætis byrjun, heima, and njósnavélin. all great, better than the available recording from the second set later that night (which i have taken full adavantage of and already have heard heima countless times). then our wonderful host came back out to cringe us some more and then introduce the film.
the performances were all great, great stuff. the filler in between i could do without. i just want to hear them play some great songs and have that do the communication for them. it just seemed sort of awkward and unnatural for the band and the girls to be talking about different things (especially in english) and they even appeared uncomfortable somewhat having to do it. they even said as much later during the interview. the icelandic scenery was great, but it did make the performances more like a music video, which is completely fine and it is some damn gorgeous scenery. a couple of the post-concert tour footage scenes they shot to fill up the film a bit could have been a little less staged, though it still sounded amazing. it really seemed like they were being put into these positions a bit reluctantly. so in the end – fantastic fantastic emotional performances with some filler.
the post film interview was even more akward. the host just couldn’t stop saying things to make everyone (or at least me) cringe. he’d ask some stupid question and no one from the band would answer and the director would have to speak for them. they just seemed very out of place. they took some audience questions too. the only worthwhile one though was the last question, which all along was the one I would have asked myself - “would they stop answering questions and just play an encore?”. so after some deliberations and a comment about being a professional musician who can’t think of anything to play, they came out and played one last song – a new one that I haven’t seen a name for yet. it was good, felt a bit improvised, but you can never get enough. I think everyone left happy.

What was your favorite live music of 2007!?

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